Andrés SENRA
Performance, guided tour to a cruising area (English subtitles)
Video Fisting post-op
Colectivo SUBPORNO (Chile) "Esto es Chile"
Prosthesis in the shape of a nation state. Fucking a nation.
(The video describes the topology of the country and also describes its geographical attractions as if it were a tourist guide)
Nationalitiy as a protesis?


video insectos
Aurelio de la Guerra y Nadia Granados
Pepe Miralles
"Geografías del morbo"
Oyeronke Oyewumi- The invention of women

Oyěwùmí, Oyèrónkẹ́. La invención de las mujeres. Una perspectiva africana sobre los discursos occidentales del género. Traducido por Alejandra Montelongo. Bogotá: Editorial en la frontera (Obra original publicada en 1997), 2017.

“The reason that the body has so much presence in the West is that the world is primarily perceived by sight. 7 The differentiation of human bodies in terms of sex, skin color, and cranium size is a testament to the powers attributed to "seeing." The gaze is an invitation to differentiate. Different approaches to comprehending reality, then, suggest epistemological differences between societies.” (p. 2)

Oyeronke Oyewumi- The invention of women

“It concerns the many worlds human beings inhabit; it does not privilege the physical world over the metaphysical. A concentration on vision as the primary mode of comprehending reality promotes what can be seen over that which is not apparent to the eye; it misses the other levels and the nuances of existence.” (p. 14)

Jan Švankmajer Conspirators of Pleasure (1996)
Jean Genet Un chant d'amour (1950)
From Aristótles to Galeno "The one sex" (s. III)
Download the book "Making Sex. Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud" Thomas Laqueur
Video Nexos post-op
lynn randolph cyborg
Annie Sprinkle "The neo sacred prostitute"
Pacha Queer (Quito, Ecuador)
video Eunuca Postporno (Medellín) "Inhumar - Exhalar"
video "Carro limpio, conciencia sucia" de Nadia Granados (public space action in Bogotá
"¿The waiting game" Noelia Pérez and Verónika Arauzo
Doxytocine and Theo Meow
Derek Jarman
The Clearing (1993)
video "Tape" Theo Meow
Annie Sprinkle "The neo sacred prostitute"

Term proposed for Bini Adamczak (author, performer and visual artist. She published Communism for Kids at MIT Press, 2017. ( She studied philosophy in Frankfurt and now lives in Berlin)

What do you call the act of pushing a ring or a tube onto something, like a vagina encircling a dildo? The opposite of penetration?
“Circlusion is the antonym of penetration: "a word that describes workers of the anus and the mouth, the vagina and the hand as active instead of passive" (...) "The ring and the tube are rendered active. That’s all there is to it." (Bini Adamczak, On Circlusion, 2016)

What implications would it have, in naming, representing and performing sexual practices, to push onto instead of pushing into?
A body leaving away the arbitraryness of "passive" and "active" as characterizing its material conditions and manners.
Through invocation of material reciprocity in sexualized matters, the term calls for a symmetrical distribution of agencies in the implicated body and/or bodyparts.”

In addition to the ethics of computing, avoiding viruses became a responsibility often referred to as “safe hex”. As the AIDS-phenomenon raised the issue of responsible safe sex, computer viruses were understood as digital counterparts of sexually transmitted diseases. The computer virus crisis from 1989 defined safe hex using several key points, things to do and things not to do (Fites, Johnston and Kratz, 1989: 87–94). Among other issues the book advised reasonable care with programs. They should be purchased only from reputable dealers, while public domain programs and games downloaded from bulletin boards should be avoided. As in AIDS-discourse, sex with strangers became an irrational risk, and similarly computer security culture warned against the dangers of non- secure software. (..)

The connection between notions of the human body and care of the self and computer viruses has been noted by Susan Sontag (2002). Sontag analyses the political implications of AIDS rhetoric while also referring to how the metaphors moved into computer talk. These digital contagions borrowed from the language and articulations with which the HI-virus was animistically characterized. The segregation and marginalization of alleged “high-risk groups” was replicated also in computer virus culture, as analysed by Jeffrey Weinstock (1997) (...) moral judgments are not absent from computer virus paranoia (..) the individual users in general are at the centre of this discourse that tries to keep up the “normal” flow of information. The moralizing judgments are targeted against users who copy pirate games, download software from dubious BBS’s or net sites, or, as is often mentioned, visit pornographic websites.

Jussi Parikka, 2005

At the same time, definitions of the alternative rely on and perform into being the mainstream as the otherness that is necessary for these activities, aesthetics, or preferences to be understood as departures from the norm. “attempt to define themselves through a variety of oppositions to mainstream culture—and especially mainstream porn—as creative, vibrant, classy, intelligent, glamorous, erotic, radical, varied, original, unique, exceptional and sincere compared to the unimaginative, dull, tasteless, stupid, sleazy, ugly, hackneyed, standardized, commonplace, trite, mediocre, superficial and artificial. In the process, a system of aesthetics is evoked as a form of ethics. (...)

Carnal Resonance. Affect and online pornography.
Susanna Paasonen

Touch, for a physicist, is but an electromagnetic interaction.

A common explanation for the physics of touching is that one thing it
does not involve is ... well, touching. That is, there is no actual
contact involved. You may think you are touching a coffee mug when you
are about to raise it to your mouth, but your hand is not actually
touching the mug. Sure, you can feel the smooth surface of the mug’s
exterior right where your fingers come into contact with it (or seem
to), but what you are actually sensing, physicists tell us, is the
electromagnetic repulsion between the electrons of the atoms that make
up your fingers and those that make up the mug. (Electrons are tiny
negatively charged particles that surround the nuclei of atoms, and
having the same charges they repel one another, much like powerful
little magnets. As you decrease the distance between them the repulsive
force increases.) Try as you might, you cannot bring two electrons into
direct contact with each other.

Karen Bard
Deep Throat
Lucia Egaña
"Mi sexualidad es una creación artística" 2011